
Friday, September 10, 2010

Lag in Posts

Hello All,

Sorry for the long lag between posts. My computer crashed and I had to send it back to Gateway to be fixed. Thank goodness for the warenty, they had to replace the main board.

Ken's trip was a bit stressful and disapointing. He wasn't able to fit everything on so we still have our rock crawler sitting in AZ. Soon after he got home we were able to move our beds into the house. It's much warmer in the house. A few days after that we were able to start using the wood cookstove which is good because we were getting low on propain. We are slowly moving stuff into the house and trying to get stuff organized.

We also had some visitors for a couple of weeks. Olen AKA "Uncle PaPa" and his son Kevin came up to go moose hunting. They didn't have any luck but we had a nice visit and really enjoyed their company. Another friend that they met up here Brian gave us a rebit hide that we are tanning. I need to start working it.

Driveway looking outPartial view from a window upstairs

Side door
The fall colors are in full swing with the bright yellows in the trees and the many shades of red in the underbrush. These shots don't do them justice. I'm hoping to get some better ones when we go into town on Monday.

Here are some shots of the kids. The one of the boys I found them sleeping like that. They are laying across eachother with one of their teddy bears. Oak has it by the scarf with his thumb in his mouth and Wyatt has the leg in his hand with his thumb in his mouth. Lisa is wearing the hat that I crochetted for her. I made it long so it could be tucked into her jacket. The picture is a cat that Lisa drew.

The outside of the house is done with acception of the porches. Now all the work that remains is inside putting in countertops and shelves etc..etc...

Lisa's Room

Boy's Room

Our room. The door leads to a long drop.


Dining/Living area

Kitchen & Back door

Kitchen & Front Door

Front Entry I'm standing in the double glass front door. The door on the right goes to our side, the left goes to my dad's. The door straight ahead goes out toward the outhouse.

Outside with  the addition off my dad's side. There will eventually be an addition off our side also but not anytime soon. Now we need to put on the front and back porches and steps into the lower side doors. Each side has a heating oil tank. The large freezer is in the middle and the fridge will be also. We have a fridge on ourside that you may see in pictures but it is not plugged in. It's being used as a pantry. We also need to get up the wind generators to help out with the power supply. Running all the tools has been a real drain on the battery bank. We're getting there slowly but surely. We'll be settled before long.
We went into the village on Wednesday and picked up my computer as well as a box from Ken's mom with some pj's for the kiddos. We also stopped by Joe and Pam Redington's to talk to them about hunting and fishing licences and they sent us home with several salmon and some veggies from their garden. We are so blessed to have such a supportive community. Monday we will be running into Fairbanks to have the back windsheild in my car replased and the new tires mounted. Then Tuesday Ken is supposed to be starting a 2 week job for Big John Dart if all goes well.

Well I think that gets things caught up a little I know I didn't go into alot of details but with the huge laps in time I tried to summerize. I want to try to get some pictures from our trip Monday of the changing colors. I hope that all are well and I wish many blessings for all of those who have been keeping up with us on this incredible journy. We are truelly blessed to be experiancing this land in all of it's beauty, bounty and peace.


  1. Everything looks Awesome and I am very Excited about following you and your family on this Wonderful Journey :)
    I Love Lisa's hat and I need one just like that because we will be visiting this coming Feb. and we live in Florida so I need really really warm clothes :)

  2. I'm a blogging friend of Susan Stevenson's and she mentioned you -- and so I've been reading. Amazing house in an amazing life! :) Been curious, though - what internet / phone connections do you have there? Satellite? I can't imagine there is cell phone reception.

  3. I was sooooo happy to read your update and Rowdy was happy to see a picture of Lisa! Lisa's room looks big! We miss you guys.....and your package was sent out today. Some long sleeve shirts, 2 jackets, and some goodies for you! I will send another soon that will have some overalls for the boys. I couldn't fit it all in the box! Take care!

  4. Glad you are able to be posting again! Wish we could have made it up to Manley during our few months here in Fairbanks..we head out in a week to down to Willow. Our prayers have been with out thru your whole process of moving and building! Take care and we look forward to more updates!

  5. Nice to see you're getting settled, Sarah. I love the house and I know you'll enjoy filling it up with both *things* and memories. Stay warm this winter, and I do hope we'll see each other again soon.

  6. The internet is satelite via Hughes Net and the phone has a little antena tower that bounces the signal from mountain top to mountain top then up to the satelite.

    Steph - thanks for the Bit O Honeys I scarfed them. :)

  7. I LOVE the hat!! That is COOL! And it looks cozy.
