
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bush Food


Winter didn't creep on us it pounced. The wind has been blowing and it's been in the 30's for the high. We have been getting firewood and food gathered and stored for the winter. It's amazing how your view of food changes when you have no refrigeration and canned goods can not be stored outside due to freezing. We have switched over to a lot more dried and canned foods. We're lucky that we at least have a freezer. though next year I would really like to do some canning. That will be a learning process I'm sure you'll hear all about it. We have a lot of Salmon in the freezer thanks to Joe and Pam Redington and moose meat thanks to Butch and Tanis. Butch and Tanis took what meat they wanted off the moose mainly back strap, rump, and shoulder. The rest of the meat we stripped and made into steaks, roasts, and ground. With the locals up here nothing goes to waist any scraps not good for us to eat got bagged for feeding to the dogs. The rest of the carcass bones and bits of meat still attached went to Joe and Pam's sled dogs. Here are some pictures of us cutting up the moose meat by lamp light.
Ken Cut and I bagged

We could really use some sharper Knives

Bagged and Freezer wrapped meat

We have also been gathering berries though that is a project I intend to hit a little harder next summer. I would really like to have more berries put away than what we do especially the low bush cranberries. It's just hard for me to get into the better picking areas with the kids in tow and they get bored and want to go inside before we have many berries picked. I only have maybe a couple of days left to pick this season before they will end up covered in snow.
Lisa After Berry Picking
Lisa's Berry bucket
Putting up wood is another big project that is coming together a little slower than we would like with Ken working but we can't turn down the work while it's available. Ms Connie Foster gave us some firewood that was pieces bigger than she wanted to deal with so that was a huge help. Here is a picture of some of what we have stacked and the wood that we got from Ms Connie. The pile that we have stacked actually goes under the house also so there is a little more than it looks like but still not nearly enough.

Lisa and My Shadow Holding hands walking up the drive
The boys are doing ok with potty training as long as their naked. If their naked they usually get to the potty in time or at least they try. As soon as I put any kind of underwear on them they forget and they pee them. They know how to pull them down but It's like they just forget. They are also eating well at the table like big boys I took a little video of them eating chicken noodle soup. I had been taking some pictures when we were berry picking so when we came in for lunch I still had the camera handy and figured I'd shoot a little video. I tried to add it on here I hope it works.
Oak eating chicken noodle soup

Wyatt eating chicken noodle soup

Update on the house. We still have a lot of work to do inside but that's on hold so that we (Dad & Ken) can work outside before the snow hits. Dad is working on the front porch. He built the deck and Ken built the stairs. Now dad is building the roof. Dad got all moved in and started sleeping on his side a few nights ago.

I need to take some new pictures inside the kids rooms as they are a bit more organized now. I made Lisa some Tinkerbell curtains and a pillow case. Her room is developing a Tinkerbell theme. She has Tink blankets and a little canopy thing too. She would probably like an "Avatar" theme, but that might be a little trickier. I need to do a lot more work getting things organized but a lot of it is waiting on Ken to get some shelves up so that I have places to put things. Slowly but surely things are coming together.

Thank You for all your prayers and I ask that you would keep us in your prayers as Ken and I are going through a stressful time right now. We will really need to pull together and work together as a family to make it through this winter. Also we are trying to find a piece of property for my Mom and Dad-D. Please keep them in your prayers as well that they would be able to get their affairs in order so that they are able to move up here next spring/summer. I really think that it will be a good move for them. It will be a good place for m,y niece and nephew that they are raising and it would be so wonderful to have them close again I miss them so much.

Blessings my friends
Sarah Sue


  1. So nice to see an update from you Sarah. The children are so cute as usual!

    Steve and I cook up big batches of moose stew and moose chili (several huge stock pots full) and then divide it into food saver bags, which we seal up and freeze. Then, when you want to have some stew, you can just plop the entire bag into a big pot of boiling water and let it simmer for an hour or so to heat up. Then just cut the top off the bag and pour it into bowls. No dirty pot. :)

    Looks like you've got a great selection of meat there. Sorry you didn't get as many berries as you'd like. I had so many raspberries at my house. Hopefully we'll get a huge crop of them next summer too.

    I'm sending you strength and positive thoughts and prayers that you will get through the upcoming winter with very little trouble or concern. You know you can always come to Fairbanks for some socialization. :)

    Take care,
    Susan in North Pole

  2. Sarah,

    So good to see that you updated your blog :)

    The twins are so adorable and so is your little princess :) Nanna is going to cherish that video clip of her grand babies!!

    We will keep prayer for all of you!! Next year will be so much will be "pros" at it :)

    Looking forward to updated photos of the house and you cal always share videos/pictures of the kids :) Love it

    Miz Liz

  3. Rowdy loved the video of the kids! He was saying, "Hi Lisa" when he was watching it! Canning is easy and fun. And it will come in handy for you. We are missing you guys since it's getting close to Halloween and Pumpkin Patch time. I always enjoyed October because we all spent time together. Hang in there and stay warm. Kisses and hugs to the kids!

  4. Yeah Steph Im sad to be missing our traditional visit to the pumpkin patch and trick or treating with you guys. It was so nice to have those little traditions with the kids. I guess the kids in the village go trick or treat they just bundle up so you dont see much of the costumes. My sister Rebecca is making them crochet hats as costumes. The boys will be bears and lisa will be a dinasour.

  5. I love this website. Your babies are absolutely beautiful. Please keep the updates coming. I enjoy the pictures. I am living in Alaska through your pictures.
    Jill from Northern NY

  6. The world doesn't go away when winter comes, it just gets white :) I'm sure we'll still have plenty of things to do when the snow flies... like maybe finishing our cabin LOL! At least you guys are going to be here this winter and we won't be the only ones full-timing it like last year. And don't worry about that firewood... when it's -30 outside those big rounds virtually eplode when you whack them with a maul :)
