
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just a Note

Hello all not much new to report today should have some more interesting stuff to post on by the weekend. Thought I would give a little update on the house. The roof in on, the outside doors and windows are up. A few more finishing touches and then start working on the inside.


Some new berries that we have found in the yard.

Highbush Cranberries


The boys are now potty training wearing pull ups or underpants. So far Oak has pooped in the potty once and they have both peed a few times. Wish us luck and if you have any advise for potty training boys I would love to hear it. I have a double challenge.

1 comment:

  1. all my boys were trained fast because "reward" was an M&M (lol), one loved to play "hit the target" which was nothing more than a square of toilet paper floating in water(which he managed sitting down)...If my tired brain can recall any more I'll share
    Good luck!!!
