
Thursday, June 15, 2017

Pre-Spring is in full swing.

So we're in Pre- Spring mode. This means that even though we are still dealing with winter and snow we have to start planning for the spring. Spring for us means breakup. Lots of melting snow and mud. mud, and more mud. Not to mention standing puddles and flooding because the water can't sink into the still frozen ground. So much to do that we are keeping very busy.

I've started my plant starts. So far I've done tomatoes and peppers. Here are the varieties that I'm planting this year.


Indigo Cherry
Gold Nugget
Yellow Pear
White Cherry
Speckled Roman OG
Verona F1 OG
Pozzano F1 OG
Amish Paste OG
Granadero F1 OG
Early Jalapeno
Hungarian Hot Wax OG
Numex Joe E Parker OG
Purple Star
Alma Paprika
Long Cayenne
Leeks King Richard 18 03/03/17

Gevaria F1 18 03/03/17
Brussel Sprouts

Catskill 18 03/03/17

Meet Peaches! Peaches is going to be our new family milk cow. She's a Brown Swiss and is currently waiting to be AI'd. Once she is confirmed bred she'll get to come home to Sweet Homestead Alaska.

Soon I will be cranking up the incubator. April will bring 4 weaner piglets and 4 hives of Buckfast bees. Because we're switching over to a cow we didn't breed any of our goats this winter. I'm really going to miss having baby goats jumping all over the place.

Chocolate Chip peppermint cake with chocolate mouse frosting.

The kids celebrated their birthdays together this year all on one day. 

Lisa Worked hard with Nonnie to make these Lap Quilts for the Boys.

Wyatt is his SWAT gear.
Ken's Custom Truck Build is really coming along. It was hard to get good pictures after he'd been welding and grinding in there. 

Just want to give a little shout out to my Beachbody coach Jenny Morgan of Faith.Farm.Fitness  If your looking for an at home exercise program she can help you find one that's right for you. Then she can hook you up with a challenge group that will help keep you motivated to keep up with the workout and stay on point eating a clean and healthy diet. I've used Beachbody programs in the past because I like to get in some extra cardio inside in the winter. This winter I wanted something new and I needed some motivation and support. I found Jenny a fellow Christian, Homesteading, Homeschooling mom and I am so thankful. I started with my first round of Core De Force and one of Jenny's challenge groups. I'm now on week 3 of round 2 of Core De Force and in the Graduate Challenge group and loving it. It's one thing to loose weight there are a million gimmicks and plans that can help you with that but then your either stuck using some supplement or you end up rebounding. Real results happen slow and aren't about being skinny. Their about being the strongest healthiest you that you can be! The only way to get there is learning to eat healthy, get plenty of exercise and find balance in your day. 

Your body is God's Temple don't let it fall apart! 

1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 

1 Corinthians 6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, good to see you back. Congrats on the new cow. Happy birthday to the kids. Looks like Ken is building a RAMBO TRUCK, lol. Congrats on your workout program, looks like it's working for you.
