
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2017

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

I hope that everyone had an amazing holiday season and that you're all geared up for 2017.

We had a really fun New Years complete with hot dogs roasted over a bonfire, smore's, funky flames and fireworks. Great food and Great friends. I wish I had taken out my camera but not sure I would have had much luck with pictures in the dark.

So we finally got some snow after waiting and waiting with only a few inches on the ground. Then it warmed up to 35*f and rained! Soooo... the top of the snow turned to ice. Luckily we've had a few more inches not to go on top of it. It's been a weird winter so far with crazy temps weird snow fall and lots of wind.

We have a lot on our list for 2017. Not resolutions just a long TO DO list. On top of that list is getting a cow and selling some of our goats. That makes me sad I love my goats. We have some new ideas for things we want to grow and it's time to inventory my seeds and place some seed orders. We want to do some pasture fencing and make some upgrades and repairs.

On a more personal note I'm working with an amazing group of ladies including my sister and lead by Beachbody Coach Jenny Morgan, with the common goal of improving our over all health. Not just doing some fad diet but making a lot of little changes to improve our health and that of our families. It's going to be a lot of fun learning and sharing ideas. My mom, Donna and I have already been doing Stronger Seniors and we're all seeing improvement in our over all strength and balance. We've been doing it for around 2-3 months now.

A big part of my journey will be learning portion control and meal planning. Here is a picture of my portion control containers and my planners as well as our week one menu.

I am LOVING my new planner and would highly recommend it to my fellow farm/homestead ladies. It's called the "2017 Heart of The Farm Planner". It's a great tool for not only household tracking but also farm tracking, goals, and meal prep/planning.

Come fall I hope to do even more preserving of foods from our gardens and high tunnel to make sure that we have healthy veggies available year round We did pretty good this year and so far we have enough of most things to get us through the winter.

Well, Welcome to 2017 and I hope that every one has a year full of blessing.

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. Psalm 139:14

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