
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Out in The Cold

The temps and weather have been just crazy ranging from above freezing temps and freezing rain to -30 and all over the middle with winds bringing temps up to 1 above and then having them drop quickly by 23 degrees back down to -24 within a matter of a couple of hours. We have less than 4 hours of light now with really only maybe one good hour of actual sunshine. The rest of the time it's just skimming the horizon below the tree line. We've had some beautiful sun rises and sets that just seem to go on and on. The northern lights have also been active the past three nights with what looks to me like a bending and flexing green rainbow.

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted just heven't had too much going on. The biggest event was trying to get my car started after Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving at the Manley Roadhouse with other folks from the community. It was a nice time with great food and wonderful people. The kids got to run around and play with other kids and had a great time of it. Ken got to have some guy talk and I spent most of my evening chasing after the kids trying to keep them out of trouble. We got to bring home some leftovers and that gave us lunches for three days. After Thanksgiving the temps dropped down between -20 and -30. The car sat undriven for several days and then would not start. It took two days worth of trying before we were finally able to get it up and running. We tarped it over, plugged in the heaters that we have on it to the generator and ran that for several hours, while also running a charcoal heater under it. The second day we started this at about 6:00am and the car started at about 3:00pm. The outside temps also rose to around -10 which I think helped out alot. The next day Ken went into Manley to install some upper cabinets that he made for Ms. Connie and the kids and I went to the Crafters Guild Christmas Craft Fair. I had a few Items that I put out. I didn't sell much but we had a nice time the kids got to play with other kids and I got to visit with the lovely ladies of the guild as well as the folks that came by to do some shopping. The guild has several talented members. We even had live music provided by Bea and Damaris. Dana had knit socks, Pam knit gloves and ivory jewlery made by her husband Joey. The other Bea had crochet items as well as some yummy treats. There were also scented candels and other goodies including Bekah's Candy shop. I have alot of ideas for things to have at next years event.

Ken is finding some work this winter doing a few inside remodel type jobs and just got hired on as a fill in driver for the Manley Village Express. He gets to drive the bus the next two weekends to help people get into Fairbanks to do their holiday shopping. After that he will fill in if one of the two regular drivers are unable to drive for any reason. At least it's something to bring in some income. Ken driving the bus will also be helpful if we ind ourselves needing something from the big city. The bus takes passengers from Manley Hot Springs and Minto into Fairbanks and back. They drive in Monday back Tuesday, in Thrusday back Friday and every other weekend they go in Saturday and back Sunday. It costs $20 a person each way.

Now we are getting ready for our first Alaska Christmas. We went out the other day and cut a tree. The boys did ok on the packed part of the driveway but in the fresh snow it was up to their wastes. We brought it home and let it melt off over night. The next day the kids and I decorated it as far up as we could reach, the following day I brought up a ladder and topped it off. It's a bit skimpy looking but the kids are happy with it and thats what counts. I think it has alot of character with the few spruce cones still hanging. We had to put it upstairs so it's sitting between to lines of clothes line.


  1. I love your tree, Sarah! Especially because you picked it out and cut it down yourself. A house always feel so much more festive with a Christmas tree at this time of year. Ours is a little table top tree, but it suits us just right.

    Good luck to Ken for being able to drive regularly. I didn't know they even had a bus that comes into town. What a great thing for those of you living out in the wilderness!

    Stay warm

  2. Your tree is Beautiful!! It is Perfect for your first Alaskan Christmas :)
    The boys look so big in the outside snowy picture :)

    I'm in Florida and I have a Palm Tree with Lights on it...loo

  3. Your tree looks so festive. I bet it smells good too. How's your first real cold snap being in your new home? Are ya warm enough? Happy Holidays to you and all your family; many good tidings and blessings ~Kimberlee thepenartist

  4. LOVE LOVE LOVE the tree! I havent had one for a few years. Hope you guys have a good holiday!

  5. Hi there, I am some what new to blogger and your blog sounds interesting. I have alot of quesions about Alaska. My family has been putting alot of consideration into moving to Anchorage. Have you always lived in Alaska? We are from Washington. Would you mind if I followed your blog and occasional ask a question or two? Thanks

  6. Cerese - Feel free to ask any questions you would like. We moved here From Arizona in June of this year though we started making trips up in September of 09. My dad has lived up here off and on for over ten years with my younger brother.

    Susan - The bus just started a couple of months ago it's something New! Ken should be heading in Thursday for a training run, If you happen to see the Manley Express Bus Ken should be close by;)

    Thanks to all for the compliments on the tree. It's a nice tree not quite a Charlie Browner ;)I do miss having lights though. Oh well a small price to pay.
