
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cold Snap

Hello All

We had a cold snap here recently with temps as low as -38. They really didn't affect us in the house too much though we did use the upstairs wood stove a couple of nights. We usually don't use it because it gets the place too Hot. I LOVE my Kitchen Queen wood cook/heat stove . My only regret is not getting the optional water resevoir so that we would have a better supply of hot water. Right now we leave kettles on the stove all the time. That stove keeps the place toasty warm and we only have to get up once in the night to stake it and add wood. It has a nice big oven with an 8 loaf capasity and a big fire box so you don't have to cut your logs so small. We didn't spend a whole lot of time outside just running out to get wood and such but limiting time outside.

We're looking forward to Christmas. I think this will be the first Christmas that Lisa is really into it. I'm also planning on making a big dinner and having our friends/neighbors over. My family has always had some nice Christmas traditions and it feels a bit odd this year that we are pretty much breaking all of them and starting from scratch. I will miss driving around to see the lights and going through the Valley of lights in Fain Park and seeing the gingerbread village with the train at the Prescott resort, and taking the kids to see santa at the Gateway Mall. What I will miss the most is Christmas morning with my mom and the second generation traditions like dougnuts and bagels on Christmas morning. This year there will be no lights except as my dad said the "ones in the sky". No running from one house to another or having a huge crowd at our house. It will just be a small event a quite morning with the kids and a casual dinner with a couple of close friends. They are having a Christmas play at the School tomorrow night and I am told that Santa will be there but it doesn't start until 7pm and that is our kids bed time. We probably wont make the drive in this year even though Lisa has been bugging to see Santa. I just have to keep reminding myself that while traditions like Santa, trees and gifts are all fun they are not the reason for the season. This time is really about the Christ child and the love that God showed us all, and a chance to show our love for others as God loves us.

I want to put out another big thanks to our friends family and community for thinking of us durring the holiday season. For the love that you have shown in so many ways through well wishes, cards and the gifts under the tree. We are so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. I love having an eclectic group of friends with such varried opinions, ideas and interests. It is truelly the varriety that brings the spice to life. I love you all!

Sarah Sue Smith


  1. Merry Christmas, Sarah, Ken, Lisa, Oak, Wyatt and Trapper. Your written thoughts have brought happiness, quiet smiles and heartfelt joy at times when I needed to read your words. May the Smith family (and Trapper) have a wonderous holiday season filled with memories that will last long into the future. May you be blessed in all that you do.

  2. Love you Sarah! This actually made me misty eyed as I am alone here in Hawaii for the first time myself. I have no tree, decorations, or family/friends to share the day with but I did get an invite from a coworker to come join them on Christmas Day so I think I just might do that! Love your blog. Keep it going!

  3. I haven't had a tree or decorations up since 2007. Christmas isn't my favorite holiday and is actually one I kinda dread. It makes me sad for some reason.

    I DO miss my kids being your kids age though with all the festiveness that the innocence of kids brings!


  4. Christmas through the eyes of children is a most precious thing! I think that's why I don't get excited about Christmas anymore... because my kids are grown and far away, and I just feel melancholy about the old days.

    But how exciting for all of you and to be celebrating your first Christmas in AK. Stay warm and give the babies a big hug and kiss from me.

    Enjoy your celebration with your new friends and Manley *family*. This time of year reminds me how much I love my Alaska Family and how blessed I am to have so many loving, kind, generous, and beautiful people in my life. And that includes you, Sarah. :)

    As soon as the roads thaw - and the temperature gets back up to ABOVE zero, I plan to grab Lori and Georganne and come out and visit. Might not be till February or March, but we'll be there. LOL

    Love to you and your family,

  5. Merry Christmas!! Stay Warm :)
