
Saturday, October 17, 2015


Hello All

I'm hoping to have a chance here soon to post a proper blog update but for now I wanted to get this out there.

Because we have had a lot of people interested in visiting us and because we are growing so fast we have decided to become WWOOF hosts. We plan to host our first wwoofers from Spring (April/May) through fall (Oct/Nov). They will be housed in our 5th wheel travel trailer until such time as we can get a small dry cabin built just for hosting. There is no pay involved this is a volunteer position were we provide room and board in exchange for a minimum of 5-6 hours per day 5 days a week or more as needed. Our guests will be expected to work with us on a variety of farm projects. For more information you can see our host profile at just click on the graphic above and we are listed under Sweet Homestead Alaska. You can also contact me directly through my blog or facebook page if you are interested in spending the season working and learning here at Sweet Homestead Alaska.

We look forward to bringing some one in that we can teach all of the things that we are learning by doing here on our little budding farmstead.

If Alaska isn't your cup of tea, there are Wwoofing opportunities all over the world.

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