
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Iditarod 2015 Manley Hot Springs Checkpoint

This year the Iditarod sled dog race came right through the little village of Manley Hot Springs. With retired racing legends in and around Manley setting up a checkpoint here seemed to come naturally. The community pulled together with a large number of volunteers that worked around the clock for several days before, during and after the event. While working in the hospitality center that was set up in the community hall I received nothing but compliments on the set up and hospitality of the Manley checkpoint.

I got to work shifts both inside the hall and outside as an assistant checker. Lisa got to 'work' with the communications ladies keeping her own running tally of arrivals and departures. She also got to help feed and care for the dropped dogs. She also got to spend a little time with her best buddy Tori who was also helping her mom at the checkpoint. 

We were very upset to hear about the unjust disqualification of our favorite musher Brent Sass of Wild and Free Mushing. I could say a TON on this matter and why I disagree with the officials chosen disciplinary action but that would probably turn into a soap box rant so I'll just keep it at: we are very upset with the disqualification of Brent for a petty oversight when there are mushers who are putting their and other teams in danger and they are not even reprimanded at all. 

Some volunteers, iditarod staff  and handlers getting ready for the first teams to start comming in.

Bent Sass & Team Wild & Free

Lisa working at the Communications desk

Adding the latest musher to come into the checkpoint.
Volunteers, Staff and mushers warming up and getting a bite to eat.

Checkpoint parking/camping area for the dog teams

Dog teams lines up in their resting areas.

The following pictures were all taken by Lisa.

Isabelle Travadon

Alan Stevens

Lisbet Norris


OK so here is my THRIVE experience update:

Ken and I are both happy with our THRIVE experience so far for me the benefits so far have been as follows:

Sleeping Better
Since day 1 I have not needed a cup of coffee and had no withdrawal head ache after going cold turkey.
No headaches at all
My digestive system is in better shape then it has been in a very long time.
My skin looks healthier.
My joints are not as stiff. 
My energy is more leveled out, I don't have that afternoon crash.

I have noticed that with Ken his moods seem to be more leveled out as well. 

So far so good! 

Psalms 128:1-4 A Song of degrees. Blessed is every one that feareth the LORD; that walketh in his ways. For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table. Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the LORD. 


  1. The little lady Lisa is amazing with the camera. The girl's got a talent there, especially considering she's so young. Thanks for the posts, I've enjoyed reading your blog, but I have never commented before.

  2. Hi Sarah, good to see you blogging. This was a good thing to happen to your area. Glad you got to participate in this great event. I agree completely about Sass, that could have been handled a lot better. Your photos are really nice.
