
Friday, November 9, 2012

Cabin Build Days 3-10

Floor on and first outer wall up and sheeted

Raising the roof
still raising the roof and building trusses

Second outer wall up and starting to insulate. Kids pulling nails.

Insulating and sheeting the roof

adding back the tin, building an over hang. Down stairs windows all in. The BIG REVEAL tearing down the plastic between the two sections

Down stairs interior walls

Upstairs floor and windows


  1. So exciting! Looks like everybody had a job. Love that! And I notice the blue skies in the backgroud ~ looks cold. Can't wait to see how it all looks when you work on the inside.

    Keep postin'! And stay warm. :-)

  2. wow! you all did alot of hardwork!! What happend to the camper? Hope you are all warm and happy in your new home! It is sort of hard to see what is going on with all the pictures in collage form, but nice to see anyway. Is it easier to upload them that way? Take care. God bless you and your family:)

  3. Right now the camper is sitting in the driveway we will probably use it for storage. I know that the collage pictures aren't the best but they upload in a fraction of the time. Our upload speed is VERY poor.

    Thank you all we will keep plugging away at it and I'll try to keep posted. I need to do a Halloween and Voting post too. Hopefully when I have a few spare minutes.

  4. That was awesome to see what you all got done in 10 days! I look forward to seeing the ongoing transformation!

  5. Great job on the new building. I know what your thankful for this year! Thanks for the pictures

  6. I love reading this! I am a Christian woman with nine children & eight grandchildren. I lived in Anchorage & Wasilla over 30 years ago. My son & his wife live in North Pole now; he's in the Air Force. I know it's quite cold now, as I check Fairbanks weather often. Blessings to your sweet family! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

  7. Greetings, Looks like you folks have had a successful building season.i take it you must be around Manley area?.Keep up the great job.George and Carol, Leavenworth Wa.

  8. Hi guys, great work on the cabin. Looks pretty good and funtional.
