
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays

Giving my mom a sled ride.

For us the end of the holiday season and the start of the new year signals a rush of birthdays that strings out over the summer. The first birthday of the new year was my Dad Darryl on January 18th. We started a new birthday celebration tradition were the birthday person gets to pick what they want for a special dinner and durring dinner they get to pick a movie to watch even if that means that we have to turn on the generator. For Darryl we made meatloaf with moose meat. First we had to grind a moose roast. Then of coarse cake and icecream which was an anglefood cake and snow icecream.
The next birthday was my mom's aka Nana's on January 31st. We made moose roast with corn, carrotts, and mashed potatoes. Then we found my Ben & Jerry's cookbook and I used my little hand chopper with mixing blade set down into a pan of snow and churned out  a 1 qt batch of Ben & Jerry's french vanilla ice cream. Unfortunatly we didn't get any pictures. For some reason it was a really hectic day, but the dinner was still good.

Then rolls in February. Events kicked off with not a birthday but the Manley Hot Springs Crafters Guild Ice Cream Social on February 11th at the Hot Springs Hall. It was a nice day out visiting with people in the village and eating ice cream. They had 2 stations set up. One for sundays and one for shakes and malts. We all had a wonderful time. HUGE thanks to Pam Redington, Linda Johnson and Damaris Mortverdt for hoasting the event. Extra thanks to Damaris who made me a wonderful chocolate malt.

Next of coarse was Valentines Day. The kids exchanged gifts with each other (used toy exchange). We made a big batch of cookies to share with each other and had a nice dinner. The kids also got some nice gifts, cards and candy from Grammie & Grandpappy Cameron (Ken's mom & step dad) as well as a box from Grandpa and Nonnie Scott with candy, stuffed animals, leather vests for Oak & Wyatt and a dress for Lisa. It was a nice day.

Then we got back on the birthday track with Oak and Wyatt's birthday on February 18th. My big handsom boys turned 3. Their dinner request was mommies special baked salmon with carrotts, corn and scalloped potatoes. They had a lime green vanilla cake with bright blue vanilla whipped cream frosting and purple Ben & Jerry's french vanilla ice cream (homemade). Again the kids did a used toy exchange and got some new outfits from Grammie and Grandpappy Cameron.

Next came Lisa's 5th birthday on February 20th. Lisa requested pizza for her birthday dinner so we made individual pizzas and set up a topping bar. Yes, the girls pizzas have pink swirl crust. She also wanted cupcakes instead of a big cake which she wanted to decorate herself of coarse with pink vanilla whipped cream frosting on purple vanilla cakes. She also had the same batch of purple vanilla ice cream.
Next on the birthday wagon will be Grandpa Scott and Great Grandma Rose on February 28th. Grandpa Scotts birthday will be celebrated after they return home. That will conclude the February birthdays.


  1. Awesome! Sounds like you have had a busy year!

  2. You have started out "running" this year!! but that's good lots of "family" time and Community time also :) I think I like Lisa's dinner and dessert request the best....YummY!!!
    The boys are so adorable, in the pictures they look like they have different personalities, I mean I know they are not identical in every way, but you can tell with the pictures, which one might be a little impatient and the other happy go lucky...Your kids are Adorable!!!! They are very lucky to have Awesome parents and be raised in such a Wonderful place as Alaska!!!
    Enjoy Alaska :)

  3. Love the photos! Looking forward to better weather (spring!) and coming out for a visit! I can't believe your "babies" are three now. I love your celebrations!

  4. The photos are very homey. I also cook with a headlamp quite a bit.
