
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Garden for Jeanie

This post is dedicated to Jeanie who wanted some updated garden pictures. I don't know if I will actually get anything from my little mobile garden this year, but it would be nice. I look forward to next year being able to plant in the ground and have more variety.

My larger Tomatoe plants in 5 gallon buckets

Inside my "green house"

Rhubarb & Pumpkin

Sage top, Parsley Bottom


We had a couple really toasty days so we took the kids down and let them play in the creek. The water was cold but they had a good time. The boys stayed on the log and just let there feet dangle it the water. Lisa was a little braver and went out walking around.

The really sunny days bring out alot of beautiful butterflys. Lisa has made it her mission to catch them and let them go in my little make shift green house. Everytime she catches a new kind she brings it in and draws it and takes a picture. So far she has caught the yellow and black, orange and black and white. There are so many different kinds. lately she is after the black and white ones and the little purple ones, but hasent caught them yet.

I hope to be able to blog about the 4th of July activities in Manley. I doubt that we will make them all but hope to at least attend the games and picnic. To everyone I wish you all a happy Independance Day. I hope that you will all enjoy your day with family and friends.

Love You All

That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;
Colossians 1 10-11


  1. I like your green house. I bet you will have lots of veggies :)
    homegrown is always the best!!

    Happy 4th to you also!!!

  2. Your garden looks great! Alaskan sun does wonders for gardens. Hope we get to see what you get from your efforts. Love the photos of the kids dangling their feet. Summer is short ... enjoy every moment of it!

  3. Garden is looking good. I really like the hot springs garden. I'd live in that greenhouse if I could.

  4. Nice greenhouse Sarah! I hope our tomatoes do well this year. Last year we harvested a bunch of green ones. They didn't turn red till we put them on the windowsill and it took till October!

    Enjoy your weekend. Hope you have a great Fourth of July.
