
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Laundry Part III AKA Washateria

Taking over the Washateria
Well at this point I think the answer to the laundry issue this winter is going to be hauling the clothes in to the Washateria 16 miles down the highway in Manley Hot Springs. It's $2.00 per load to wash and another $2.00 per load to dry. I won't be drying them there just washing them. Then I'll bring them home and hang them on the line inside the house. The Washateria is in a small Atco style building that also houses the village clinic. It boasts 2 washers, 2 dryers and 2 washrooms with a shower($1 for 20min), sink and toilet. They also have Wi Fi but I haven't taken my computer in. When we go in we pretty much take the place over. I put a picnic blanket on the floor for the kids and bring snacks like muffins or homemade breakfast bars. It also gives us a chance at a hot shower which is a real treat. On the same property is also the village council building which has a small store with conveince store fare. When it's open I splurge and have a can of Dr. Pepper ($.75). I'm working on setting up a visit time along with the laundry by meeting up with Ms. Connie on the days that she goes in for her wash. My next trip in was going to be Tuesday but it snowed alot Monday night and I wasn't sure if the roads would be ok. When I went in on Friday we left the house at 7:40 am and it was -5 out. Driving in it was still pretty dark and with the headlights the entire road side was covered in sparkles from the frost it was really beautiful. Lisa said it was frost ferries. On the way home the views of the mountians covered in snow was amazing. I stoped just before the bridge at Baker Creek about 2 miles from the house. It's almost all frozen over accept on the lower side of the Beaver dam. There we little rabbit and squiral tracks in the fresh snow on top of the frozen creek. It was a nice peaceful drive home with 3 sleeping kids.
Washateria/Clinic Building


My dad will be making a trip to the lower 48 in November to spend time with my Grandpa who is having heart issues. The house is pretty much done accept the back porch. Will post some more pics of outside and inside shortly once the back porch is finished. The past 2 days our Cow Moose and her calf have been hanging out right around the house. I wasn't able to get pictures because my camera battery went dead and I couldn't find the charger. I finally found it this afternoon so now it's charged and ready. Hopefully it will be a regular morning visit and I can get some shots tomorrow. Heres hopin. I'm hoping my next post will be a little more exciting. We're trying to plan at least on more trip into Fairbanks but were debating on weather or not the kids and I will be going or just Ken. If we all go we'll get a hotel room for the night. Not sure what we'll do about the dogs yet though. Someone would have to let them in and out of the house. We have a long list of things that we need before we're stuck here. We didn't really get our vehicles set up with heaters and such so I think there will probably come a point were they wont start.

The boys are doing well with the potty training and were actually able to keep their undies dry away from home for 4 hours. Again, sorry this isn't a more exciting post I'm hoping that the next one will be. Hopefully it will have some nice close up shots of the Moose by the play house just outside the livingroom window. I swear the little calf was starring back in the window at the three little kids lined up standing in chairs watching them. It was great!

Blessings to All,


  1. wow! When I go to the laundromat here to take a shower its $4.50 for 15 min AND theres no warning on when the water is gonna shut off and its token based which means you are screwed if you run out of water cause the attendant is the only one with tokens! One of the reasons I love my gym membership! $17.00 a month and I shower every day! I wish that drive was better during the winter..I think you'd have company all of the time! :p
    hugs! Lori

  2. I LOVE reading your blog. My husband and I were in Alaska during the summer of 07 and 09 - what an incredible place.
    I truly ADMIRE you for homesteading with three young children - WOW!!!
    And I have to say, I loved the Laundries in AK - what a gathering places....
    Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your life.

  3. I'm so glad you posted. I love reading about your life *out there*. :)

    I learned how to take 3 minute showers while camping this summer, when tokens were $3 each for 3 minutes! Even with this mop of hair, I managed. But I've cut it close too many times too!

    Next time you come into Fairbanks, give us a holler. Would love to see you and the babies again.

    Be well, Sarah. Stay warm!

    Susan in North Pole

  4. Don't worry about the dogs if you all go into town, we'll feed 'em and let them out to play and stoke the stove up for you :) Then you can watch Ripley again when we go into town, that'll just make Diesel's day LOL. Or maybe we can just send both hubbies in together to run all the errands - hahaha

  5. I'm so happy that you posted and to me your life is Exciting!! :) I Love reading your blog. hopefully the moose will visit again, would love to see pictures of momma and baby :)

  6. I am so glad I found your blog! We are planning a move to the Delta Junction area soon!
