
Critters Tame and Wild

 Tisha - Photos by Rebecca Goldsmith

This is Tisha she is our youngest sled dog and the most powerful. She's fast, strong and smart a powerhouse combo all in a compact package. She's also supper sweet and loves couch time cuddled up with the kids. She is my go to bikejoring dog in the summer as she handles the warm weather better with her short coat. She is another Sass dog with Sass and Redington bloodlines. She runs great in lead and as a single with the kids. She is good with her gee haw commands.


This is Pam or as we call her Princess Pam. She is a sled dog from racing lines out of a Mackey dog and a Joe garnie dog. She didn't make the cut for the pro team because of her size and shape. She runs great as a team dog and is fast and strong.  She gets to be a super spoiled sled dog. She loves to sit in chairs and I think might be part goat as she loves to climb things(and chew things). She also enjoys putting her hands on your shoulders and licking your ears when your sitting. 



This is Quinn or as we call her Queen Quinn or miss smiley. She loves to tease you and really does smile. She thinks it's especially funy to steal the TP from the outhouse if the door isn't closed. She is out of Madonna and Silver from Wild and Free Mushing and her mom and dad are both still racing as well as 2 of her sisters. She is a strong runner and does well in lead as well as in team.



Both Pam and Quinn came from Wild and Free Mushing and make great (spoiled) sled dogs. At the same time that we got Pam and Quinn we also adopted Rocky a 7 year old Yukon Quest veteran. We planed to use him to train the girls and then let him retire in lavish comfort. It broke our hearts to learn that while we were out of town our 4 male dogs got into a brawl and Rocky in our absence died from his wounds. It was absolutly devistating to our family on so many levels. We fell instantly in love with Rocky. We are mourning not only his loss but the loss of trust in our other dogs.


Tank is a large (108 lb) black lab mix. He has always been good and patient with the kids and has been my very loyal friend. When I want to go out walking he is my first choice to go as he stays right with me and will just sit and wait for me if I stop to pick berries. We have had Tank and Dozer since they were tiny and Lisa was only about a month old. Tank had surgery on his knee a couple months before we moved to AK after he tore a ligament. He thinks he's a tea cup poodle and will climb in the lap of anyone who will let him.



Dozer is Tank's brother though he is much smaller at around 70 lbs and is a chocolate. Dozer is a bit more energetic and loves to play fetch and pull a sled full of wood. We trained him last winter to pull a wood sled either walking along side us or running behind the ATC. He will also pull the kids in the sled with someone walking or running along side him. Dozer left us this summer and is now buried beside Rocky. He is greatly missed by all of us.

RIP DOZER 2007-2014 We will always love you!




The Old man of the House Diesel. Diesel is an OLD rotti that was Ken's dog when we first started dating. He is a sweetheart of a dog very loving and still playful. He still likes to play fetch but we can only throw the ball a few feet to give Diesel a chance at the ball. Diesel doesn't handle the cold weather well and spends most of his time sleeping on the couch in the house. He doesn't hear well anymore and has trouble getting around. Sometimes his back legs give out on him. When Lisa was born he stayed close and could usually be found sleeping near her. Diesel even walked down the isle at our wedding.





Miss Kitty.
 The kids picked her up from a house while trick or treating Halloween of 2011. She was just a small mixed bread puppy from Minto. She is sweet and smart but a bit of a spaz at times. She likes to run in harness with the sled dog team but isn't very fast or strong. Ken calls her my 1/2 sled dog. She also loves being in the house and around her people.


Dark Cornish Chickens

This pretty little lady is "Treeblossom" Lisa's little hen. So far she is the best layer of green eggs laying everyday. She runs into the henhouse whenever I go in and will peck at my shoe until I pick her up or at least pet her. She loves to be held. She is an Americana.

Most of the Chantecler hens are named after Disney Farrie characters such as Tinkerbell, Fawn, Irridessa, Etc....
The Americana "Martha May" was our first hen to lay and has already been acting broody. When we let her set a nest I'm sure she will make a great mother.



Petunia the herd Queen

Petunia is a Toggenburg milk goat. She is supper sweet, loving and mellow. She is the mother of Lilly and the mother of Birch and Alder.


Lilly is Petunia's daughter and also a Toggenburg. We got them together.Lilly is sweet when she wants to be but is more independent. She is pushy with the kids and they are intimidated by her. She's a very big girl. She is also a milk goat.


Iris was one of our kids from last year and so far the only doe we've had born here. We are hoping to breed her this December 2014. She is a supper sweet girl who loves to be touched and brushed. She's very mellow and easy going but also loves to run and play. She is half Alpine and half Lamancha. 

Tamarack with Lisa

Tamarack is Iris' twin and also half Alpine half Lamancha. He is a wether and being trained as a pack goat. He's a sweet boy who loves to be with his people.


Alder is the future herd sire. I am hoping to breed him with Iris this year. After that we will probably look into getting another buck possibly a nigerian. We'll see how it goas.

Sugar (Doe) and Guy (Billy)

In Memory of Sugar the goat

You were a happy friendly goat you brought a smile to my face
But now your gone leaving only sorrow suffered away at night
You were always hungry but now you will never eat again
You left leaving your friends looking with sadness
You had a nice life full of joy but you left us
We celebrate your memory but mourn your leaving
We wish you were here but without pain
We loved you just as you loved us
Good bye my friend I won't forget you

by Ian Massey