
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Gearing Up For Spring

Good Spring my friends. It was warming up the snow was melting and it was really looking like spring has sprung. Then it started to snow, and snow it has for the past several days. Temps have been pretty warm in the 20's and 30's even getting up into the 40's but it's still snowing. I'm ready for spring and was teased by some beautiful sunshine I know the extra moisture will be good in the long run but I am ready for spring.

February had a rough start. My poor baby girl had to have her lip stitched. The kids were playing outside Wyatt threw an empty #10 can that we use as a feed scoop. It hit her in the mouth. She came in with blood going every were and all she was worried about was her brother. She kept saying "please don't be mad at him it was an accident". I got it cleaned up and but a butterfly bandage on it. Then we all jumped in the car and drove to the clinic in Minto were they put stitches in it. Wyatt felt bad but has had a bad habit of throwing things so we made him watch her get stitched up and kept telling him that is why you don't throw things. I had to sit down as they stitched her because I almost passed out. Blood doesn't usually bother me but watching my baby go through that was awful. 

It amazed me how fast it healed though and now there is just a small scar. 

Then we sold two of our baby goats from last year Abby and Zeva. It was really hard to give them up but they went to a good home. 

The kids had good birthdays.

Wyatt and Oak had roast turkey and fried turkey strips for the birthday dinner. They got boxing equipment so now when they start fighting they can take it to the mat. We're working on technique and safety. I really wish I could post



Lisa had Moose burgers and french fries for her Birthday.

Ken made new bee hive parts and we all helped paint them. We now have enough for 5 hives. This year we ordered 2 hives of Carniolins and 1 hive of Buckfast. Having enough gear for extra hives is good just in case we have one the splits and swarms. 

We had 14 out of 15 chicks hatch healthy and happy. So cute and so much fun!

We went to the Carry the Cure assembly at the school and got to hear Broken Walls perform. It was really awesome!

The babies are growing fast.

Oak lost his second tooth.

We got in our chick order of meat cockerels with a few specialty chicks thrown in.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Seed Starting has begun

So far I have started Tomatoes, Peppers, Eggplant, Herbs, Onions (from seed), Celery and Leeks


Garlic Chives


Greek Oregano

Parsley 3curled

Parsley It.Flat

Basil Lrg Leaf It.

Sage Broadleaf


Dill Bouquet


Lemon Balm

Eggplant Suraj F1
Onion Bianca De Maggio
Celery Utah

Yum Yum Gold

Mini Bell Choc

Mini Bell Yellow

Mini Bell Red

Early Jalapeno

Purple Star

Alma Paprika

Long Cayenne




Indigo Cherry

Gold Nugget

Yellow Pear

White Cherry
Leeks King Richard

Hatched Chicks growing like weeds

Meat Bird Cockerels Growing Fast as well

Starts are all doing great!

Happy Easter!
Kids had a good time hunting eggs in the snow. We had a great time after at the hall eating chili dogs. Huge thank you to the Manley Hot Springs Crafter's Guild.

The kids cutting down dead trees to make roosts in the brooders. Rover supervised.

More Starts

My first attempt to overwinter a pepper plant. It already has blossoms.

We call this guy feisty. He's smaller than all the others and feathering out more slowly. He loves to be held and comes charging over to be picked up when we open the door.

Our two story Chick Brooders

So even though Spring may not be in full swing we are in full spring mode. Over 90 fluffy chicks lining one side of the front entry and plant starts lining the other side. As soon as the turkeys start laying we will start incubating turkey eggs. I'll be starting more veggies next week. The barn and coop are ready for a full deep spring cleaning. Bees will be coming in mid April, Pigs end of April beginning of May.  Baby goats are do in May. Ken is getting ready to start back on the road crew. Donna is coming home. My cousin Cole from Arizona is going to come stay with us for the next 7 months and help me out while Ken is working. He will get to learn all about small scale farming and I'll have someone with muscle to help out when Ken is gone. I think it's going to be a lot of fun having him hear and I am so thankful that he was willing to come. 

And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labour, it is the gift of God. Ecclesiastes 3:13