
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

So Glad The Son Arose!

I hope that you all had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday!

We went to a wonderful service at Manley Baptist Fellowship. Ate at the amazing potluck, I'm always so impressed by the amazing feeds put on by the folks in Manley Hot Springs. So many great cooks all in one place and plenty of great food to go around.

 This year we dyed Easter Eggs using different berries. We just poured hot water over the berries, added a plash of vinegar and squished the berries a little with a spoon. The colors came out great on the blue and brown shelled eggs. From the top Blue container down: Blue Berries, Highbush Cranberry, Black Current, Low Bush Cranberry, and Rose Hips.

The Sally Hudson Crafter's Guild put on their annual Easter Egg hunt followed by hot dogs at the Manley Hot Springs Community Hall. They did a kid's egg hunt with lots of candy filled eggs. There were also 3 eggs with pieces of paper that say $5.00 on them. At the Hall they can exchange the paper for a $5.00 bill. Lisa and Oak found 2 of the 3 $5.00 eggs. After the kids hunt was the adults hunt. There are candy filled eggs and also eggs with little strips of paper numbered from 1 to 11. The numbered strips are exchanged at the hall for extra large candy bars. I got #11 and got to bring Ken home a HUGE Cookies and Cream candy bar. They also raffled off three Easter baskets. The kids and I won one of them. We put most of the candy into Ken's Easter basket. 
Hay was left over from the Iditarod checkpoint on Twin Lakes.

Ken got to attend his first men's conference at Victory Bible Camp. He went with Pastor Earl Malpass and Darryl. They had a great time and Ken said that he really enjoyed the preaching and the fellowship.
Photo By Earl Malpass

Ken got to go for a helicopter ride and go help out a friend at his mine. He really enjoyed the views of the area from the chopper. 

We took Kitty and Tisha two of our sled dogs in for the ASAP spay neuter clinic. The people at the clinic were awesome! While we were there we met up with a lady from Kool Kat Rescue out of Anchorage who drove all the way up to bring us two barn cats from their barn cat rescue. How awesome is that!!! WE named the black and white one Dr. Watson and the tabby Sherlock Holmes. They are fitting in well and I love having them around. Both are turning out to be closet love bugs and will come to me now for loving.

We also picked up some Cornish cross meat chicks. We hadn't planned on getting any this year but finally decided to pick a few up while we were in town. So we took two dogs in to Fairbanks and brought home 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 10 chicks. 

My Dark Cornish broody hen was sitting on 8 eggs but some broke and gooed all over the others which ended up killing all the embryos. We swapped out her last 2 dead eggs for a couple of wooden eggs. The Manley Hot Springs school bought a dozen hatching eggs from us and we are hoping to get at least one chick from their hatch to put under her. After all she has gone over her 21 days and the poor girl deserves a baby of her own. 

Our Very first Turkey Egg Yippee!!!!

We put 40 eggs in the incubator. The incubator turner malfunctioned and broke 4 eggs so we were down to 36. We cleaned it up and fixed the problem. I candled the eggs and took out 3 that were not fertile so 33 out of 36 are developing well. 

Dr. Watson and Rover saying hello and getting to know each other.

Sherlock Holmes on top of his house in the barn.

Meat Chicks are growing so fast!

One of my 2 mini hens a blue bantim orpington is sitting on two huge blue Americana eggs. Her eggs are due to hatch the same day as the ones in the incubator. I'm hoping I can give her a couple extra babies when the time comes ;)

Dr. Watson has started comming to me when I call his name.

Future site of our 30' x 96' high tunnel. We're slowly digging the 100 post holes with those post hole diggers. We can only go a few inches at a time as the ground thaws out. Each hole has to be 3' deep.

Pieces ready to be added. Bee hives in the back ground.

Insulated bee hives are happy and active!

Notice the pollen on their legs. We're Praying for a good honey year. I saw a lot of fireweed sprouts popping up so I'm hopeful. 

John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
John 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

My THRIVE 8 Week Experience Update.

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