
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Catching Up

Wow I guess it's been a long time since I last posted. Life has been.....well life I suppose. There is always plenty to keep us busy and away from the computer. The limited sunlight also limits power and keeps computer time short. Please bear with me as I do a brief review of the past three months. This will be brief as for me the time runs together so aside from holidays it can be hard for me to remember what happened when these days.

Lets see October brought Halloween and harvest. We worked on cleaning up the garden and getting things ready for snow. 

September as Aby from NCIS

Wyatt and Oak Supermen

Ian the Jedi

Lisa the Owl
Progress on Barn

November we of coarse had Thanksgiving. Also the start of Trapping season.

Larry Before

Larry After 30 lb clean weight 

December brought Christmas and a very bad flu bug that put us in the dumps for three weeks.

Kids cut down the tree

Making Cookies

Opening gifts

Wyatt (superman), Oak (batman)
January brought a new year and a little new year fire with hot dogs and marshmallows. 


Coming next I'm going to try to take some pictures during an average day to give an idea of what we do.  A lot of things vary but the basic chores are the same every day. One of the most common questions I'm asked is what we do on a day to day basis so I'm going to try to answer that with a walk through in photos. 

Until then God bless and please keep us in your prayers as we move forward into this new year. 

I would also like to wish Brent Sass and Mandy Nauman (only girl in the quest this year) Good luck on the Yukon Quest dog sled race. They are based out of Eureka and three of my four sled dogs are Sass dogs. It makes it cool to watch our local mushers running dogs that we have met. You can check out these mushers on their sites: and

Ephesians 5:15-16 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

