
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July - Manley Style

Art & Darrell

What a great weekend we had! Full of fun activities. Unfortunatly we still didn't make it to everything this year. We'll hope that Ken is off next year and we can make it to all the events. I know I keep saying this but it's the truth this is the most awsome community of people! We are so blessed to be here. On reflection of the 4th and in celebration of our nations independence it makes it even more special to be in a place like Manley Hot Springs. A small village with a big heart.

The events kicked off with the Pike Derby. Most folks get in their boats and head out. We settled for the spot under the bridge were the kids could stand and cast. We didn't catch anything. The kids got bored and hungry to fast but they still enjoyed it. Then we went to the roadhouse were we got to visit with Art and Damaris. Then the kids got to go to the park and play for a while with the other kids from Manley while we waited for the slip and slide to open at Dart AM Farms. The kids had a blast ridding the slip and slide that ran down the hill from the upper greenhouse to the lower. It was a WARM water slide because the water was from the hotspring. The older kids also had fun playing in the mud. I only got 3 pictures before my battery died. There was a pig roast down Baker Creek, but I thought we had to have a boat to go. I found out later that there are people who will ferry you there, but I didn't have a dish made and I didn't want to show up empty handed with four mouths to feed.

The last event on Saturday was the Pike Derby judging which we didn't attend. The weather held out all day and it was a nice hot sunny day for the events. Then it rained all night long.

Sunday started off with the kids games at 10:30am. I didn't get to see all the games as our guys were playing the little kid games but I snaped a few shots of the older kids too.

Foot Race

Hopping Race

Wyatt in the hopping race
Oak hitting the pinata

Sawdust pile with hidden candy and money
The bigger kids
The kids all had a great time and walked away with tons of candy and other prizes. The weather held out just long enough for the games and then it started raining. We hung around town and the kids got filthy playing in the mud. We got to spend some time with some new neighbors and their kids. We had lunch at the Roadhouse and played a little at the park to spite the rain. We also got to visit with Pastor Earl Malpass at the Roadhouse who has been kind enough to come out and visit us after his Sunday sermons. Earl is a great guy and has a great mission going called Mission Air Care. We picked Ken up at the council when he got in from his bus run. Then we headed to the picnic that started at 5:00pm. I made a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies. As always there was a ton of really good food. They ended up moving the picnic from the park to the Roadhouse because of the rain. The place was packed and the food line went around the side of the building when we got there. There were sooooo many people I didn't recognise. Alot of friends and family of locals mixed with folks just up enjoying a weekend of camping.

After the pcinic at 9pm was the concert at Walter Woods park hosted by the tribal council. We didn't make it as it was way past the kids bed time and we wanted to take some of the leftovers to some friends who didn't make it to the picnic.

Sunday started off with the Flag ceremony and bike parade headed by the volunteer fire departments fire truck.

After the parade was the judging and the kids won a real slinky! And every kid got a soda. There was a film crew there that I guess are filming a new show based on a mine near Manley. They filmed the festivities all day on the 4th. They got video of Lisa getting the slinky and video of her later picking the names for the boat races. She may get her 15 min of fame with a cameo on a National Geographic special. Lisa also gave rides on her quad.

After the parade everyone lined up on the bridge to watch the boat races.

 Again we missed the dance :( that started at 9pm. Maybe by next year mom and dad will be up here and they can babysit ;) It was just such a nice weekend. A wonderful break from all the stress that we've been under lately. Hopefully next year we can make it to the things that we missed this year.

A BIG Thanks to all those who worked so hard to make this AMAZING weekend happen. I would start naming names but there are so many who worked behind the scenes and I don't want to leave anyone out. Maybe next year I can do more myself to help out. As the kids get a little older and more independant it opens me up a bit more to be useful.

Blessings to all of my wonderful friends and family. I love that the list keeps growing as we get to know more people here in Alaska.

O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah. Psalm 67:4