
Friday, March 26, 2010

WOW so much to catch up on.

Sorry for the huge lag in posting we had some crazy busy weeks. I'll try to get everyone caught up.

The kids had a great birthday party with a large turn out of friends and family.
On the boys actual birthday 2 days earlier my good friends Peggy and Sue came out and we had a little mini party. It was great to see them, I hadn't seen them in a long time.

The next big event was my little brother comming home on leave. He is in the Navy and stationed on an Island near Iraq on anti-pirate duty. I think he had an ok visit maybe a little boring but he spent time with us and time with our sister. Oh and he decided to grow a beird. I'm so proud of him he has grown into such an awsome young man. I just wish he would take a little better care of his health.

Ray left for Alaska with a load of my dad's stuff on March 11th. Then we (my brother, kids, my mom, step dad, niece, nephew, sister, brother in law, niece2, nephew 2) went to the Arizona Renessaince Festival. We had a fun day especially Louise who was spoiled rotten. On the way home just after pulling out on Highway 60 we were rear ended. At first we thought only the bumper was damaged but it turns out that the frame is bent as well as other damage.

After that we had St. Patty's day dinner at my mom and step dad's. OOH how I love corned beef and cabage. YUM YUM!
OH and I almost forgot the boys got their first haircut. John didn't seem to care but Robert cryed.

My dad is on his way on the ferry back to Washington to pick up his last load and head back to AK then he will be up to stay. We on the other hand still have 4 loads to go and will not be up there to stay until May. The last load went well Ken left 3/11 @ 10am and came home 3/24 @ 2pm. He said there was alot of snow and ice and he had to really take it easy. We're glad to have him home but it wont last he is out loading up the flatbed now with the dump truck and backhoe to get ready to head out again mid week.
Well I hope that helps to get every one up to date and back on track. Hopefully it wont be as long between posts this time. :)

Hugs and Kisses to our family and friends and God Bless.